We are committed to contributing to healthy play.
**IMPORTANT: Please plan your visit for another day if anyone in your group is exhibiting active symptoms like a fever, sneezing, cough, diarrhea, vomiting, or chest congestion. Positive Covid-19 tests OR whooping cough tests also bar admission to the museum. Please help keep our staff and visitors healthy. Masks are optional (pending guidance from AMA and Lane County Public Health) and free at the front desk.**

Join us for the fun!
• Monday Sensory Activities rotating seasonally and weekly
• Tuesday Story and Activity two read-alouds with movement break
• Wednesday Extra Membership Hour membership card and ID required
• Thursday Slightly Messy Art Class weekly seasonal project
• Saturday Performances check calendar for schedule
• Sunday Science Adventures Hands-on science from biology to physics
Purchase gift cards for family and friends to attend the activities of their choice.
Calendar of Events
**Note: Please don't visit the museum if any member of your group has active symptoms of any infectious or possibly infectious disease, including (but not limited to) cold, flu, Covid-19, norovirus, hoof & mouth disease, etc. Our regular cleaning procedures are stringent, but keeping symptoms out of the museum is one way everyone can help keep friends healthy.**
Masks are optional at this time, and provided free of charge. Playing in crowded indoor environments with others is considered a higher risk activity for the transmission of Covid-19 and other illnesses. Please click here to read more about our efforts towards keeping your family safer during day camps and regular play sessions.
play & learn
WalK through our 2018 exhibits in an online 360° panoramic view or even a Virtual Reality (VR) mode with your child to stimulate her or his imagination! Compare and contrast with our current museum exhibits on your next visit! The museum has changed a lot since 2018. Our VR is compatible with most modern computer and mobile devices. We would love to hear what you think!