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Adventure! Board of Directors Meeting
The board of directors meets on the last Thursday of most months. Schedule may change to accommodate holidays and school breaks. Membership families hold voting privileges during board member elections. Persons interested in attending the Adventure! Board Meeting should contact the museum at least two days prior to the meeting for information regarding time and location.
Find out more »12:00 pm
Vox Novus Middle School Choir Ensemble Performance
Vox Novus is an after-school middle school choir ensemble based in Eugene. They'll be performning an exciting set of multicultural songs (around 20-25 minutes) in the Globe Theatre at noon.
Find out more »12:30 pm
Music and Movement with EPAC
Join us for Music and Movement at Adventure! featuring teachers from the Eugene Performing Arts Center. Thursdays in April for ages 3+. Participation is included free with admission or membership thanks to a grant from JTMF Foundation. RSVP recommended.
Find out more »12:45 pm
Music and Movement
Instructors from Eugene Performing Arts Center will lead children in music and movement! This week's class is at 12:45 to accommodate a choir performance.
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