All Day
Pumpkin Trail Pumpkin Hunt Begins
Registered participants hunt for pumpkins at local businesses, earning prizes and solving a puzzle along the way! Pumpkin Trail runs October 13 through 31.
Find out more »Open to public at 11 am (only field trips and community groups from 10 to 11)
Since reopening in 2021, we reserve the 10 to 11 a.m. hour on Thursdays and Fridays for private groups, field trips, and community support groups. Families who show up prior to 11 a.m. on Thursdays and Fridays may be asked to wait until 11 to enter.
Find out more »5:30 pm
Family Halloween Party
Enjoy carnival games, a photo booth, snacks, prizes, facepainting, and more! $7 per person age 2+
Find out more »