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Events for Apr 2024

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Calendar of Events

Calendar of Events
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Sensory Monday

Tuesday Story Time

Wednesday Early Bird (for museum members)

Dads’ Play/Support Group

First Thursday Fundraiser — MOD Pizza all day (click for details)

Field Trip (closed to the public)

Open to public at 11 am (only field trips and community groups from 10 to 11)

Field Trip (closed to public till 11 a.m.)

Celebrate Adventure!’s 7th Anniversary and New Expansion Exhibits


Sensory Monday

Tuesday Story Time

Wednesday Early Bird (for museum members only)

Community Group (closed to public till 11 am)

Slightly Messy Art Thursday

Slightly Messy Art Thursday

Community Group (closed to public till 11 am)


Sensory Monday

Tuesday Story Time

Wednesday Early Bird (museum members only)

Dads’ Play/Support Group

Community Group (closed to public)

Slightly Messy Art Thursday


Moose and the Math Fairy book reading, signing, and math activities

Earth Week Begins

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Earth Week activity: Sensory Monday

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Earth Week activity: Tuesday Story Time

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Wednesday Early Bird (museum members only)

Earth Week activity: BRING Waste Prevention Program

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Earth Week Activity: Slightly Messy Art Class RECYCLED ART PROJECT

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Community Group (closed to public)

Earth Week activity: Next Step Take-Apart Day

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Earth Week activity: Carboard Day

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Sensory Monday

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Tuesday Story Time

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Early Bird for Membership Families (open 9 a.m.)

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

First Thursday Fundraiser @ Panda Express

Slightly Messy Art Thursday

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

Adventure! Magic Show with Dan the Magician

BottleDrop Earth Week Give recycling fundraiser

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